Starting Point

A safe place to explore faith.

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taking a next step

Exploring faith should involve asking questions.

When it comes to exploring faith, it’s natural to have questions. Unfortunately, church is sometimes the last place you want to bring those questions. We’d like to change that.

You’re invited to join the conversation in Starting Point. Each year we provide a safe place for hundreds of people just like you to explore faith through Starting Point. This eight-week group experience is facilitated by leaders who have been where you are, wrestled with their own faith questions, and understand the value of creating a safe, judgment-free environment for you to explore faith.

Here’s how to start your journey:

  1. Sign up for an upcoming group at a day and time convenient for you.

  2. Show up for your first group meeting. All group meetings are held in person at North Point Community Church.

  3. Be real. You don’t have to pretend or hold back what you really think.

We’d love to have you join the conversation.

I'm Interested


March 30: Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. EST

Hear from people who have experienced Starting Point

Jesse's Story
Starting Point video with Jesse
Laney's Story
Starting Point video with Laney
Dale's Story
Starting Point video with Dale
Xaveria's Story
Starting Point video with Xaveria
starting point image


Let us know and we can help!

After you fill out this interest form, a staff member will contact you with more information.