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Be Rich Celebration 2021

Andy Stanley
Oct 17, 2021

Today, we celebrate Be Rich, our annual campaign to go above and beyond in giving back to our community. Thanks to your generosity of...


Beth Brady and Justin Warner
Oct 2021

Whether they’re wise or unwise, internal or external, invited or uninvited, the voices we listen to play significant roles in the...

The Last Resort - Rise Up

Clay Scroggins
Sep 26, 2021

When Jesus is your only hope, you may be better off than you think.

Be Rich 2021

Andy Stanley
Sep 2021

We don't have a responsibility to predict what God is up to. But we do have a responsibility to help meet people's immediate needs.

Your Integrity, Our World

Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2021

When integrity gives way, something collapses and people get hurt. That's why your integrity needs to hold up—even if it costs you...
