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Andy Stanley
Jan 2020
There are few things as divisive as politics. But the question for Jesus followers is this: Are you willing to evaluate your politics...
There are few things as divisive as politics. But the question for Jesus followers is this: Are you willing to evaluate your politics through the filter of faith rather than create a version of faith that supports your politics? Jesus didn't call everyone to agree on everything, but he did command his followers to be united by unconditional love.
Andy Stanley
Feb-Mar 2015
How should the world view the church? Unfortunately, we've created a brand for the church that Jesus never intended. But we have the...
How should the world view the church? Unfortunately, we've created a brand for the church that Jesus never intended. But we have the opportunity to give everyone a Brand: New perspective.
Andy Stanley
Mar-May 2012
Ask 100 people to define it, you'll get 100 different definitions. It's likely that all 100 will be incorrect.