Jump Start

For Elementary School Families

Attend Jump Start!

Jump Start is a 15-minute presentation where parents and kids learn together what it means to put their trust in Jesus. It’s designed to help parents jump-start a conversation about faith.

Parents, if you're curious about the presentation, watch a preview of it before you join us on Sunday!

This 3-minute, for-parents-only video will equip you to talk with your child about faith in Jesus.

Watch Now
Jump Start Parent Video | 2023

Attend Jump Start at Church

Attend Jump Start!

Jump Start

September 29, 2024 • 10:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.
Jump starting a conversation about faith with your elementary school student.

Preview the Jump Start Presentation

Watch Jump Start as a family.
Watch Jump Start as a family!

If you and your child would like to attend Jump Start in person, check our upcoming dates!

Have more questions?

Let us know and we can help!